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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Nasi Goreng

Ayah Fathiin paling suka makan nasi goreng, nih ada resep masakan nasi goreng, siapa tahu teman-teman yang lain pada suka juga dengan nasi goreng.

Nasi Goreng Keju Istimewa
(Special Cheese Fried Rice)

500 gr nasi putih250 gr dada ayam, potong dadu kecil2 sdm mentega200 gr keju, potong dadu kecil4 sdm kacang polong1/2 sdm kecap manis1 bawang bombay, cincang halus1 sdt garam4 sosis sapi, iris tipis4 sdm saus tomat1 sdt kecap beraroma1 batang wortel, potong dadu kecil rebus matang
Pelengkap50 gr keju parut1/2 sdt garam4 butir telurKocok, buat dadar dan iris tipis
Cara Membuat
Panaskan mentega, tumis bawang bombay, cabai merah, wortel, dada ayam dan sosis sapi hingga matang. Masukkan kacang polong, nasi putih, saus tomat, kecap manis, kecap beraroma dan garam. Aduk rata. Hidangkan selagi panas denga dadar keju.

500 gr white cooked rice2 spoons butter250 gr chicken breast, make small cube slices200 gr cheese, make small cube slices1 red chilli, remove the seeds, make thin slices1 onion, chopped4 spoons green peas4 spoons tomato sauce1 teaspoon salt1/2 spoon sweet soya sauce1 teaspoon aromatic soya sauce1 carrot, make small cube slices, boiled well
Melt butter, saute onion, red chilli, chicken breast, beef sausage and carrot till welldoneAdd peas, white boiled rice, tomato sauce, sweet soya sauce, aromatic soya sauce and salt. Mix wellServe while it is still hot garnish with thin slices of cheese omelleteCheese omellete made by mixing 50 gr parmesan cheese, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 4 eggs

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